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MyClientDiary - Practice Management Software

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How it works

Your program and data are safely stored on secure external servers.

You have your own private database and set of software which no-one else has access to.

You just connect from the internet, much like you have now, except that you need a password and username (just like your internet banking).

All you need is a computer and (preferably) a broadband internet connection, no fancy networks, nothing else to buy or maintain.

You print directly from your own computer ( you will of course need a printer) and if you need data to load into your accounting program (eg Qicken, MYOB) you just click on the appropriate buttons and a data file is emailed to you.

As long as you don't give others your username and password we believe your system is as secure, or more secure, than a system residing on your office computer server.

In our system, though, you and your colleagues can access this multi-use system from anywhere at anytime, no matter how far from your office you are.